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Post-it notes are seen as old media. Virtually irrelevant. How could we give them some cool factor and entertainment value to boot?

"Will It Stick?" A new series of extreme product demonstration films:
1) Racing up to 220km/h in a V8 race-car covered in Post-it notes.
2) Sending a Post-it note to the edge of space.



A 16% sales increase in Post-it Range, post-launch.
Winner Best Social Content, Mumbrella Awards 2017.
The first EVER interactive 360º branded film in space.
The most impactful social experiment ever by Post-it Australia NZ.

This micro-budget film (65K) now runs globally – launching an ownable platform for our client.

Film: Racecar


Film: Space

Interactive 360º Film: Space
First ever interactive 360º branded film out of the earth's atmosphere. 

Behind the scenes: Space

Tease Film: Racecar

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